Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Its been a couple of weeks and I haven't blogged, but I have been working hard. It's somewhat frustrating, because I have been eating well and working hard, but have only lost a couple of pounds. Clothes are fitting looser, but I want to see the scales move after the work I've put into it!!! I know, patience. I have been able to keep working out no matter what... bad cold, having to get up at 4:30 to get in a short workout before my 12 hr shift, being tired after a 12 hr shift, etc. I have been reminded by my body to always stretch out or tomorrow's workout will be twice as hard. Yesterday I actually jogged (not walked) for the first time in almost a year!! It felt so good. Yes I'm sore today, but I even made it for 12 hrs on my feet today !!! Yeah! I guess that's even better than seeing the scales move in some ways!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1

My daughters took me to see Eclipse after work last night. Being teenagers of course it had to be a late movie. Going to bed at 1 a.m. made it hard to meet with my trainer at 6 a.m. The workout was even harder. I guess it is a no-brainer that when you get good sleep, your workouts usually go smoother. John was very good to keep praising me though so I wouldn't give up. It's easier to get up and get to the gym when you know you are responsible to be working with someone else!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 30

Finally slowed down enough to have my daughter walk me through blogging. Yes, I am technologically challenged! Missed my first week of the program as I was at girl's camp. I guess the walking up hills all day and the fact that we had a mega-healthy cook (quinoa and kidney bean taco salad) worked out ok because I ended up losing a couple of pounds. Have met with my trainer, John, a few times. Monday's workout was awesome! Tuesday I felt every muscle I worked and today I'm ready to meet with him again tomorrow. I've actually been able to make it to the wellness center for a 1/2 hr workout before my 12 hr shift starts at 6 for a few days now. Didn't lose any weight last week, but I feel so much better! Had salad and low carb foods for breakfast and lunch so I could have birthday cake for my birthday tonight! It was a small piece, but I was able to stay within my limits!